It feels good to sleep in a little. There is so much I need to do before we go visit the families but I just want to lay here a bit longer, reading Emitown with Netflix in the background.
I am excited to wrap gifts and bake some pies though. (I hope the apple pies come out as good as they did at Thanksgiving). I just get nervous being with all the families. I am awkward. Yet, I get better with time, I think.
On a different topic, would it be totally nuts to think about moving to Portland? Soo many things lately make it seem like it would be a fun, positive thing. Ideally, I'd love to live in different places for a few months at a time. Spain would be a great location. But I wouldn't want to uproot my cat's very pleasant life at home with us. She loves this house and the sunny backyard and is terrible with car rides (I would be too if I knew the car meant going to the vet), so airplane rides are out of the question.
This has definitely been a different Christmas Eve so far. Looking forward to leftovers for lunch.
Last night's festivus's dinner:
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